01-01-79 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
Determined thoughts given by Baba for the New Year.
Today, BapDada was very happy to hear the children’s new enthusiasm and their new determined and beautiful thoughts to bring the new world closer. Each of you children has the special enthusiasm to make yourself complete and bring benefit to the whole world. Today, BapDada is congratulating you for the determination you have to bid farewell for all time to any weaknesses that still remain within you. Continue to keep the congratulations you receive for this farewell powerful by remaining aware of them every morning at amrit vela. This year, together with making your own form powerful, you also have to bring about a powerful form of service. Those who are responsible for destruction are progressing in their task at a great speed. They are creating an easy and refined method to liberate souls from the bondage of their body within a second, that is, they are creating an easy method to liberate souls from their physical sorrow; a method to save many souls. On the basis of what? On the basis of the authority of science. Similarly, are you master almighty authorities, who are instruments for service, ready to liberate souls for birth after birth in one second from the bondage of Maya, and from the many types of sorrow they are experiencing because of Maya, and to give these souls the blessing of peace and happiness for all time, so enabling them to reach their destination? Even now, the group responsible for destruction is ready; they are just waiting for the order. Is the group instrumental for creation ready to this extent? When the task of creation is completed, those responsible for destruction will receive their order. When the “hand” shows that time is up, the bell automatically rings. So too, in the unlimited clock, when creation is completed, the “hand” automatically shows that it is time for destruction to take place. So, are you everready for this completion?
Today, at amrit vela, on hearing the children’s new enthusiasm for the New Year, Bap and Dada had a conversation on a new topic. Brahma Baba said: When are the gates of liberation going to open? Unless Brahma opens the gates of liberation, the other souls can’t go to the land of liberation. Should I unlock them now? In reply, Baba asked: Are you going to inaugurate this by yourself or with the children? Brahma Baba said: Hearing the call and sound of sorrow of both the real children and the stepchildren, I feel great mercy. Baba said: Is the rosary of the elevated victorious jewels – those who are Brahma Baba’s companions; who play their part with Brahma Baba in different forms and relationships is this rosary of such victorious jewels, who are the companions, ready? Many have been thinking from the beginning that you will live together, die together and live together again in many different forms and relationships. Therefore, according to their promise, how can you unlock the gates without those companions of yours?
So, did you hear Brahma Baba’s new thought for the New Year? What are the victorious group going to do to make this thought of Baba’s practical this year? In order for you elevated victorious jewels to fulfil this thought of Baba’s, you have speed up the machinery of liberating souls in a second with your special form of a master almighty authority. The majority of souls are now tired of the limited facilities of matter, of the limited places that have been created to experience spiritual peace; they are now tired of the people who say that they can enable souls to meet God. Souls have now become disheartened by them and feel that the truth must be elsewhere. They are searching for the destination of the Truth. They are thirsty for some attainment. Even a single drop of the accurate introduction of the soul and the Supreme Soul can quench the thirst of such souls. Therefore, take the urn of the nectar of knowledge and quench the thirst of those who are thirsty. Constantly keep the urn of nectar with you. As you move along, continue to make souls immortal by giving them this nectar. Only then will you be able to be with Brahma Baba at the inauguration of the opening of the gates of liberation. At present, just the bhavans are being inaugurated; the unlimited gate now has to be inaugurated. For this, remain constantly immortal and make others immortal. Become a bestower of blessings and give others the blessing of becoming immortal. Now, the last effortmaking souls, the weak souls, don’t have the courage to make any more effort. You have to use your own powers to enable such souls to attain something. Therefore, the part of being a bestower of blessings is needed even more than the part of giving knowledge. Souls don’t even have the power to listen. They no longer have the courage to carry on. They just thirst to receive something. Many such souls are wandering around the whole world. You will have to give them legs to walk, that is, you have to give them courage. So, have you accumulated such a stock of courage? Is your urn of nectar full? Is it limitless? Is it constant? Should we start a queue? Is your own queue finished? If you are still busy with your own queue, how are you going to make other souls complete? Therefore, this year, finish your own queue. Change the language of “why?” and “what?”. There should be just one language. Your language of thoughts and words should be just of giving blessings; you should be a bestower of blessings and give a lecture showering blessings on everyone. The experience of whoever hears you should not be of hearing a lecture, but of being showered with flowers of blessings. Only then will this inauguration take place. This is the newness you have to bring about in the New Year. Achcha.
To those who constantly hold the urn of nectar; to those who give blessings through their every thought; to those who increase the courage of other souls; to the children who maintain courage and thereby receive help from the Father; to those who are everready to play their part of companionship with Brahma Baba; to such victorious jewels, to the souls who are complete, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.
BapDada meeting Dadis: Why did Brahma have this thought? Do you know this secret? It is said that the world was created through the thought of Brahma. Therefore, the gates will open through Brahma’s thought. So, who is Shankar? This too is a deep secret. Since Brahma is Vishnu, who is Shankar? You should discuss this amongst yourselves. Let there now be a group of images who grant blessings; not of those who have a physical flag in their hands, but of those who constantly have the flag of victory – the flag of victory of their form of Shakti – hoisted in their awareness. There should be a group of those who hoist the flag of victory. This group will be called the spiritual socialworker group. Such a group is now needed on the stage. Everyone’s vision is automatically drawn to those who are on a stage. At the moment, they are behind the curtain of their own effort. Now, come out from behind that curtain and onto the stage of service so that when the souls of the world see the hero actors, they will be able to go beyond with just a glance. Now, create a plan for such a group’s sound of authority to reveal the Father. At the moment, you are dropping baby bombs; you now have to transform the land by dropping the Godly bomb. The easy method for this is constantly to have the awareness of “BapDada, BapDada” like a rosary on your lips and in your thoughts. All of you should have just the one concern of BapDada. You should constantly have this concern in your thoughts, words and deeds. This is the soundless chant. When you have this soundless chant, everything else will finish because you will only be busy in this. When you don’t have any time, anything wasteful automatically stops. So, did you hear what you have to do this year? Realise what time it is from today’s thought. The needle is Brahma Baba. So, where has the needle reached? It would of course have gone beyond the subtle region, would it not? Achcha.
BapDada meeting double foreigners:
BapDada is happy to see the speed of intense effort of the doubleforeign children. The foreign children have recognised their real Father, their real land and their real religion very well. It is as though the fruit of the previous kalpa has revealed itself on the land simply by sowing the seed of Baba’s introduction. BapDada knows that within this group there are some jewels who are the beads of the rosary around BapDada’s neck. Baba is seeing many scenes of such beads being revealed to the world and of such beads revealing the Father to the world. They are being revealed now and will continue to be revealed in the future also. Do you all consider yourselves to be such invaluable jewels? Where would the most precious jewel be set? The precious jewels are set in the heart. Do all of you experience yourselves to be the intense effortmakers who are constantly merged in the heart; to be those who are constantly in remembrance of the Father? In which line are all of you? You are in the line of those who take a high jump, are you not? Those who are doublelight will always take a high jump. If you are carrying any type of burden you cannot take a high jump. All of you are the longlost and nowfound ones, because as soon as you received the Father’s introduction through easy Raja Yoga, you easily recognised Him. You didn’t experience anything to be difficult. The method to make anything difficult easy is to sit constantly in front of the Father and experience the hand of blessings over you. You will receive the solution to all problems within a second. However, who is able to sit in front of the Father? Those who have seen and understood the Father as He is and what He is through their divine eye and divine intellect. Baba knows that you souls have taken a very good step to become an example to benefit all souls. The world will follow you. Achcha.
BapDada meeting the Delhi Zone:
1. The sign of coming close to your final destination is that you step away from everyone else.
Do you constantly experience your destination to be close? Do you feel that you are now about to reach the final destination of your angelic life? The closer you come to this final destination, the more detached you become from everyone else and the more you are loved by the Father. When something is nearly cooked, it moves away from the sides of the pan; similarly, the closer you come to your complete stage, the more detached you will become from everyone. An angel is someone who has all relationships with One. Do you feel that you are moving away from everyone else? When something is not completely cooked, it sticks to the pan, but when it is ready, it moves away from all sides. When it doesn’t move away, it means it isn’t yet ready. So too, are you moving away from all relationships in your attitude or do you still have some attachment? If your speed is slow, you cannot arrive on time. If you arrive too late, you cannot be counted in the list of those who have attained something. Therefore, check whether you are becoming free from all your bondages. If you aren’t, it proves that you are not close to your angelic life. When you are able to experience the happiness of having all relationships in One, what need is there to wander around? You should go straight to your destination. To have all relationships fulfilled by One is your destination. Constantly keep your final angelic form in your awareness; as is your awareness, so will be your stage.
2. Serve many by maintaining the awareness of “Wah drama! Wah!”
Are all of you constantly moving along with the awareness of “Wah drama! Wah!”? You are not afraid when you see any particular type of scene, are you? Since you have received the knowledge of the drama and know that the present time is the beneficial age, then you know that whatever scene comes in front of you is also filled with benefit. Even though you may not be able to recognise this at the present time, it will be revealed in the future as having been filled with benefit. Remember, “Wah drama! Wah!”, and you will remain constantly happy and never become unhappy about your efforts. Others will then automatically be served through you.
3. A blessing for cooperative souls to remain constantly full.
The souls who fill the yagya with their heart and life; those who have been giving their finger of cooperation, according to the time, accumulate multifold in return for each one. Time is also of value, and so the souls who cooperated at the time of need in the beginning of the task of
creation have received in return the blessing of becoming full and complete. They have constantly been overflowing and will continue to be so. Achcha.
Blessing: May you be free from worry, and easily and successfully perform every task as a karma yogi.
Many children are worried about earning enough to sustain their children. However, those who are constantly worried can never successfully earn anything. Put aside any worries and continue to do everything as a karma yogi, because when you perform any task in yoga, you will easily and successfully accomplish it. If you earn money whilst worrying, it creates worry. If you earn it in happiness whilst yogyukt, you will give happiness because the fruit is according to the seed.
Slogan: Be a holy swan who constantly selects pearls of virtues, not one who picks up stones.
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